Hälsning på Båtbranschens stora exportdag
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Finnish government, to welcome each and everyone of you to Jakobstad, my hometown. It is a great pleasure to have you here with us today to celebrate this one of kind Boat Industry Export Day.
The boat and marine industry is one of the most successful industries in the Jakobstad-Pietarsaari region. It is also one of our oldest industries. Today, the boat and marine industry in the region is the biggest manufacturer of boats in Finland as well as one of the biggest manufacturers in the world. In fact, about two thirds of Finland’s total leisure boat manufacturing is situated in Ostrobothnia, and a big part of that is here in the Jakobstad-Pietarsaari region.
The Jakobstad-Pietarsaari region has always been a region of export. Throughout our history, the closeness to the sea has given us an opportunity to explore the world and do business at the same time. This is still true today. Our world is now highly globalised and the markets are essentially limitless. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed some of the ways we do business; with for example Skype and Zoom-meetings with trade partners around the world. However, it is still very clear, that for a small country like Finland the export industry is essential. In our region, companies have always aimed to grow and prosper outside of our borders. We like to call our region “Export Finland”, and a large percentage of our companies export their products and goods.
Our marine and boat industry is a great example of this, and today we celebrate the fact that our region’s boat yards will be delivering 35 yachts to their new owners this summer, and as a noteworthy point – almost every customer is international, thus generating export revenues for Finland. Our country is in need of more export, and it is thus very important for us in the Finnish government to create good operating conditions for our companies, so that they can use their know how and experience to create even more jobs and revenue.
I am very excited to take part in the interesting programme we have ahead of us today, and I hope you are too. Thank you to Concordia, Nautor’s Swan and Baltic Yachts for organising this unforgettable event! Kiitos, Tack!